As I boarded the big blue city bus today to head into town and buy a Christmas tree, Joan Osborn's "If God was one of us" was starting up on the overhead radio.
This past summer I read "The DaVinci Code" (about two years after all the hype died down) and last night out of curiosity, rented the movie. Of course, the movie cut out a ton and changed the rest... One part I don't remember from the book had me thinking as I walked downtown today.
At the end of the movie, after they have deduced that Sofia is actually from the bloodline of Jesus Christ, she is "sangreal"...Tom Hank's character says something along the lines of "Maybe we don't have to deduce whether or not Christ was divine...Maybe there is divinity in humanity"
Well, while I believe that the book is based on...nothing substantial I also believe that Christ was divine. All this is not where I am coming from.
If you want to read an angry defense over this book, go to your local Christian bookstore. A lot of close-minded nuts have written books in contradiction and defense.
(many without having actually read the book they are angry about...when I say read, I don' t mean "scour looking for points to back your argument up")
My point is about divinity and humanity.
The reason I was feeling so strongly as I heard Joan sing her song on the bus this morning is because of Christmas.
"O come, o come Emmanuel" is, to me, what it is all about. Everything.
Remembering how long the world waited for God to come, to save.
Remembering that we are not alone, that God is with us, Emmanuel.
That God has come to us, saved us, and is making us holy. We are redeemed. We are of Christ's lineage, in a way stronger than blood. He chose us and paid the highest price.
Ironically, the song I listened to this morning talks about "the stranger on the bus" (you all know it...) and what I always try to do when I ride the bus is really see the people I am riding with.
There is the image of divinity in humanity.
(and I found a Christmas tree for three is a sad little tree that I like because it looks like Charlie Brown's)
haha...I am listening to "Come on, let's boogey to the elf dance!" on Sufjan's 42 song Christmas compilation, phenomenal :)
Fasting Helps
6 years ago