So, sometimes you have to totally forget about yourself and focus completely on another/other person/peoples lives and situations. This almost always turns out for the good. It is so hard to do though....we just aren't naturally inclined to forget about ourselves. I hate that about me, and human nature. Do you ever have those moments when you know that you have truly sacrificed for someone else? Whether it be time, money, conversation, our own agenda, to truly let go of whatever we think is important and just do or be for another person? Man, I really want to have those moments more often... "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others..."
Still reading a little Brian Mclaren....This guys is all should read his books if you get a chance. I took a class my junior year of college on Evangelism and Discipleship, and we read his book "More Ready than You Realize: Evangelism as a Dance in the Postmodern Matrix". He has the most amazing insights into understanding the emerging culture, and how the church fits into the whole picture. Right now I am reading a book he wrote almost entirely as a converstaion between two people, hashing out postmodernism and the spiritual journey. Really poignant, really interesting.
The Holidays are Starbucks at assistant manager has already had wayyy too much eggnog...and the cranberry bliss bar? Can I just say, bliss?
Road trip this the ever exotic location of, drumroll please.............Millwaukee?
Well, I'm excited, anyway.
Fasting Helps
6 years ago
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