Mar 8, 2012

Art imitates nature. Or does Art imitate freaks of nature...?

I must be going to bed soon. On nights when I get home from dance rehearsals that run until 10:00, I like to eat a bowl of cereal whilst perusing facebook and friends' blogs. Somehow, this means that I tend to stay awake much later than this nearly thirty-youth worker Jessica normally does.
Tonight at rehearsal we danced like creatures. This specific creature is the most accurate


I swear we are trained and disciplined artists. Something beautiful (albeit potentially creepy) and visually intriguing will emerge from the madness. But in the process, we looked like 9 pygmy jerboas.
And I think I chipped a piece of bone off of my elbow as I was deep at work capturing my inner jerboa essence. If not, it will at least be a very dark bruise in the morning.

So that is the story of today. In four minutes it will be Friday and it will start to rain. And I will lay awake listening to the pounding downpour and trying not to let those beady little creature eyes bore their way into my already ridiculous dreams.

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