Feb 9, 2006

Tardy and a bit of a racist.

I eat many pastries. God bless the bakery.

Started classes at la escuela oficial de idiomas hoy.

La Profesora was eh.... 25 minutes late for class and also a bit racist. (I'm pretty positive she was making fun of one of the Chinese girls in class today...) (I will be next, once she hears me speak)

What can you do? At least she can teach me Spanish.

And for 25 minutes I can get to know my classmates. Chinese, German, French, Portoguese, English, Australian, Irish, Brazilian, Polish, and a few others I am not sure of...one guy from the middle East somewhere....

Pretty diverse, no? I am the only American...kind of fun. Too bad we know what everyone thinks of Americans. Good thing I am not from California.

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