Aug 30, 2006

he DaVinci Code, Sushi, New Orleans, El Silbedor, and Lorena

So here's what I know:
The big 24 comes in three days...yikes.
I miss my family and the IRS. We always have smashing birthday festivities.

On Sunday I wasn't really with the program...kind of caught up in myself and all my junk. Then a teenager named Lorena walked into church for the first time and sat next to me.
With that, I remembered what we really exist for.

I haven't read a newspaper in maybe over a month. I am ignorant as to what's going on out there. Except I know Spain finally decided to get involved in Lebanon. And that they are dancing on the streets of New Orleans again.

I kind of wish summer would just end already.
Madrid and Barcelona in just two weeks baby! To bad I have so many life decisions to make, no?

About two years after everybody, I am reading The DaVinci Code. He's not all that great of a writer, really. But it's entertaining, despite his use of ridiculous metaphors and redundant words and large words that I know he found in the thesaurus and are not part of anyone's vocabulary. (that was a huge run-on...I never said I was that great of a writer)

Anyone want to send me some new books?

Made some sushi yesterday. Thank God for delicious Japanese cuisine.

I hope you guys aren't suffering from the incessant annoyance of a whistler.
He's lucky we don't have a pistol en nuestra casa.

All in all, life has been, to quote my friend and accomplice Rebecca, "very silly lately..."

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