Jun 10, 2008

Desperation and real estate.

I am afraid I might have to move...again. It was all so good, after a long summer of living alone in the outskirts of a city where I knew practically no one, and two months of imposing on dear friends in my state of homelessness, I finally found a place to settle. A really great place.

Eeeeshhh, I am already dreading the apartment hunt. It is NOT a fun pastime, let me state for the record.
I hope and pray it will just occur. The apartment will be found and I will be all moved in with Leah and maybe Mariana, without incident or desperate times of wandering through more of Madrid's hell-holes (valued at 900 euros a month, including moldy ham leg left on counter and permeating aroma of said ham).

I'll keep this updated.

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